Hospital level four, east wing declared area to treat COVID-19 inpatients
On March 26 Public Health declared an outbreak on 4 East. Staff in the unit quickly stepped up to the plate. They were able to adapt quickly to continuously changing policies on how to manage this patient population. They placed suspect and positive patients in isolation with droplet contact protocol precautions so any patient contact… Continue Reading Hospital level four, east wing declared area to treat COVID-19 inpatients
Marek Hospitality finds alternative and safe ways to keep visitors and staff well fed during COVID-19
For 10 years, Guelph General Hospital has partnered with Marek Hospitality to provide food services for staff and visitors. Marek operates two Tim Horton’s locations and The Bistro hot meal service featuring primarily local food from the region. The pandemic has resulted in fewer hospital staff onsite as many surgeries and appointments were cancelled. That… Continue Reading Marek Hospitality finds alternative and safe ways to keep visitors and staff well fed during COVID-19
A collaborative effort prepares GGH’s Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19
As the severity of the COVID-19 virus became apparent, our Bob Ireland Family Intensive Care Unit began to prepare. The team including doctors, nurses, administrative staff and respiratory therapists worked internally within Guelph General Hospital to expand the number of patient beds. ICU staff also prepared for enhanced infection control precautions for procedures like intubation.… Continue Reading A collaborative effort prepares GGH’s Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19
Dr. Marcello Schmidt
Dr. Schmidt raised $16,434 for Guelph General Hospital. Very early on in the pandemic, one of our physicians saw a real need to raise money to help address the shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Stepping into an unfamiliar role as a fundraiser, he was amazed by the success of his campaign. Dr. Marcello Schmidt… Continue Reading Dr. Marcello Schmidt
Karen Evered
Karen has been a Guelphite for more than 38 years ago. She started volunteering at GGH in 2011 when she retired from 60-hour weeks working as a director in her family-run funeral home. When she first began to volunteer, Karen took on a job at the hospital’s coffee shop. And she served a term as… Continue Reading Karen Evered
Donors support reduced cancer incidence in our community
33 New donor-funded endoscopes detect colon, lung and stomach cancers Thanks to generous donors, 33 of the most advanced high-definition endoscopes are now in use at Guelph General Hospital. The scopes were purchased at a cost of just over $1 million and include 17 colonoscopes, four bronchoscopes, nine gastroscopes, and three scopes for viewing the… Continue Reading Donors support reduced cancer incidence in our community
Nichola Martin and Art Kilgour appreciate the care and support they received
It’s one thing to break an arm; it’s another to break both arms, but it is quite another to do so in the middle of a pandemic! On the afternoon of June 20th this year, Guelph paramedics responded to a call for help at a local residence. Nichola Martin, had fallen off her backyard deck… Continue Reading Nichola Martin and Art Kilgour appreciate the care and support they received
Donors fund two big projects totaling $2,184, 575!
Thanks to our generous community, 33 new Endoscopes and a new Central Cardiac Monitoring System will facilitate improved patient care. Suzanne Bone, CEO, The Foundation of Guelph General Hospital explained “We have been raising funds for these two projects for a while and are so excited that enough money was contributed for them to move… Continue Reading Donors fund two big projects totaling $2,184, 575!
A mother shares her experience at Guelph General Hospital
At Guelph General Hospital, caregivers are committed to providing the highest quality care and experience to patients and their families – and their pet stuffies too! Continue Reading A mother shares her experience at Guelph General Hospital
Every contribution matters to Guelph General Hospital
New donor funded Blood Gas Analyzers arrived at Guelph General Hospital just when they’re needed most. At a cost of just under $30,000, Guelph General Hospital was able to purchase two new blood gas analyzers, thanks to generous donations made by caring supporters. “They may not be big and flashy like an MRI or CT… Continue Reading Every contribution matters to Guelph General Hospital