Patient Stories

Together, our community cared for Ron Witt
In March 2024, a vascular ultrasound revealed that Ron Witt wasn’t getting enough blood flow into his legs. To prevent sepsis — a potentially fatal condition — he needed surgery right away. When a lower-risk procedure proved unsuccessful, he underwent a second, more extensive operation. Ron’s wife, Linda, worried they would lose him. Each day,… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Ron Witt

Anagha & Ashish: Our Experience at Guelph General
Caregivers at Guelph General Hospital continually show what it means to deliver the highest quality care to patients and their families. When we received this letter from Anagha and Ashish, we knew we had to share it. It means so much to our Hospital’s caregivers to receive letters and emails like these. It is thanks… Continue Reading Anagha & Ashish: Our Experience at Guelph General

Together, our community cared for John Thomson and his family
“We couldn’t have asked for better care.” On a Saturday night back in April, Pam and John Thomson were getting ready to go to bed. Pam was turning down the covers while John opened the back door to call in Finnegan, their rescue dog. Then Pam heard a dull thud. When she rushed into the… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for John Thomson and his family

Together, our community cared for Kate Howells
Back in December, just before her birthday, Kate Howells felt a tingle on her face “like bugs under my skin.” When the feeling didn’t go away, she attended a walk-in clinic and was diagnosed with shingles. Anti-viral medication was prescribed, and Kate was sent home with a recommendation to return in a few days for… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Kate Howells

Together, our community is caring for Judy Paterson
“You are my sunshine, my constant sunshine” When Judy Paterson was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2020, she was told she might only have a few of months left to live. Nearly three years later, the retired teacher is still going strong. She points to four pillars in her life that keep her motivated. “I’ve… Continue Reading Together, our community is caring for Judy Paterson

Together, our community cared for Ellen Thomson
Guelph General Hospital deserves a gold star! At least that’s what Ellen Thomson, a retired public school teacher, suggests about her experience over the past year. In May of 2022, Ellen found out, to her dismay, that she would need two hip replacements. She was aware of the buzz about long waiting lists and short… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Ellen Thomson

Together, our community cared for Auggie Goller
Augustus Goller is almost four years old. He’s a sweet kid, already learning how to print, and ahead of his age in knowing his numbers. He goes by Auggie, a nickname that suits him well. Just a month ago, Auggie spent six days at Guelph General, where he was treated for severe respiratory distress. When… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Auggie Goller

Together, our community cared for Brent Helwig
This past October, the nurses on 6W were surprised to receive a gift basket along with a beautifully crafted and poetic thank-you note from Brent Helwig. Brent had been a patient on the ward precisely one year before and wanted staff to realize just how much their care meant to him. It was on October… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Brent Helwig

Together, our community cared for Paula Monico
This September, with much joy and thankfulness, Paula Monico celebrated her 80th birthday! She and her husband, Benny, have called Guelph home for over sixty years. Together, they raised two kids, Jennie and Kevin, and operated a successful plumbing and heating business — Benny handling the customer calls and Paula managing the bookwork. Long retired… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Paula Monico

Saundra Anderton makes the “ultimate gift” in gratitude for her lifesaving care
We have partnered with Will Power, a national movement to educate Canadians on the power they have to make a difference through their wills. Today, we highlight Make a Will month by sharing Saundra’s story. Like many of our supporters, Saundra wanted to make a significant gift that would benefit the future of health care… Continue Reading Saundra Anderton makes the “ultimate gift” in gratitude for her lifesaving care

Together, our community saved Bruce Barker’s life — and his livelihood
Every Saturday morning on his way to work, Bruce Barker stops in front of Guelph General, looks up at the floor where he was treated six years ago and feels very lucky. Bruce’s story began just after Christmas 2016, as he and his partner Wendy were driving back from her mother’s. Just after they turned… Continue Reading Together, our community saved Bruce Barker’s life — and his livelihood

Together, our community cared for Ian Wightman
Ian Wightman counts himself lucky. Just in May, he won an early bird prize of $1000 in the 50/50 draw! But Ian says that, really, his good fortune came three years ago when he suffered a heart attack and was treated at Guelph General Hospital. It was in October 2019 when Ian began to feel… Continue Reading Together, our community cared for Ian Wightman