Changes to our board and new staff, but same commitment to you and our Hospital
The Foundation of Guelph General Hospital’s purpose is to “save lives and improve health, together with our community.”
While members of the team may change, the Foundation’s compass remains fixed in this direction.
“We are so fortunate to consistently attract board and staff members who are deeply committed to our mission,” said Suzanne Bone, CEO at the Foundation.
At the Foundation’s June board meeting, Paul Osborne, Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, was welcomed to the Board Chair position. Paul took over from Jeff Watson, a retired partner at BDO. Jeff has now stepped into the Past Chair role.
Paul, who joined the Foundation’s volunteer board in 2016, was motivated to help by his personal experience at Guelph General Hospital. “For me, the hospital has played an important role in my life. All three of my children were born in GGH and as my late wife battled cancer, the hospital was there to provide loving care and support for my entire family. It is an honour to give something to a place that will help so many.”
When asked about what he hopes to accomplish in his new role, Paul commented “The Hospital is an integral part of any community but most people aren’t aware that patient care equipment is not covered by government funding. Working with other dedicated volunteers who sit on our Board, I hope we can raise money not only to support on-going patient care needs, but also to support improvements that will allow the Hospital’s excellent team of physicians, nurses and staff to serve patients to the best of their potential.”
Click HERE to learn more about Paul, Jeff, and the other exceptional members of the Foundation’s board. But you won’t find two former members whose terms ended in June – Lynda Murray (ShipperBee) and Rob Murray (Intrigue Media). We’ll miss their expertise and enthusiasm!
There have been a few goodbyes and hellos on the Foundation staff side too. Click HERE to learn about your Foundation staff team – Alex, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Khatera, Matt, Rob, Sarah and Suzanne.
“While there have been many changes to the people on our team, our values remain quite constant. A big one is gratitude. As a team, we are grateful for the opportunity to do such meaningful work, with such wonderful colleagues, volunteers and donors; to help donors meet their philanthropic goals while making such a difference to health care in our community,” said Suzanne, who has provided leadership to the Foundation team for over 25 years.
Get to know more about the Foundation’s board and staff at Please reach out any time, they’d love to get to know you too.