Donors Help Caregivers See Problems More Clearly
Ultrasounds are a crucial part of modern medicine. Each year, the Hospital does more than 25,000 scans! These indispensable machines are used for everything from breast assessments to prenatal monitoring to ultrasound-guided procedures like joint injections.
The recommended lifespan of an ultrasound machine is seven years. And up to just a few weeks ago, more than half of Guelph General’s machines were over a decade old.
That’s because three new donor-funded ultrasound machines arrived to replace three of the Hospital’s older ones. They were put into immediate use, helping to provide even better patient care.
“These new ultrasound units will tremendously help our community. The image quality is a vast improvement and the newest technologies will help Ultrasound Technologists image more patients,” explained Jeannine Haid, Ultrasound Team Lead at GGH. “Radiologists will have better images to make more accurate diagnoses. Thank you for your donations…they are truly appreciated by the ultrasound department staff!”
Donors fund so many items caregivers use to care for our patients. We tell this story when we place stickers on numerous pieces of equipment throughout the Hospital that say “Generous DONORS purchased this equipment for you!”
The other week, we were very excited to place stickers on the three new ultrasound machines. Watch below.