Community members make a big impact at GGH by organizing fundraising events.
We are thankful to all those community members who take the time to organize fundraising events to support our Hospital.
They are significant undertakings that make patient care better by funding essential patient care equipment.
You can imagine our absolute delight when within a recent two-week period we were presented a total of $45,032 as a result of the 2nd Annual Peter Lago Memorial Golf Classic and the 5th Annual Stone Road Mall Children’s Charity Golf Tournament.
On September 11th Lago family hosted the sell-out, 2nd Annual Peter Lago Memorial Golf Classic. They raised $34,400 which will purchase four new ceiling-mounted patient-lifts to help nurses move patients safely in and out of their beds.
And just two weeks prior, we were joined at the Hospital by event organizers from Stone Road Mall who presented the proceeds of their 5th Annual Children’s Charity Golf Tournament. This year was their most successful year yet, raising $10,632! Over its five years, the Tournament has raised $44,154 and has funded many pieces of equipment essential in the care of our Hospital’s paediatric patients.
We know first-hand the effort it takes to plan, coordinate and host an event of this magnitude. We are grateful for the funds raised, but also for the dedication and passion of all those involved.
That dedication and passion helps us save lives and improve health, together with our community.
‘DIY’ fundraising events big and small raised $115,000 last year. They ranged from lemonade stands to golf tournaments to a haunted house.
Click here to learn how to lead your own fundraising event in support of patient care at Guelph General Hospital.