Monday Motivator – An observation about teamwork at GGH
This week’s #MondayMotivation inspires teamwork.
The combined and coordinated effort of the entire Hospital team is absolutely essential to provide the safest and highest quality care to patients and their families.
Teamwork is stated in our Hospital’s values, but of most meaning, it is taken to heart by Guelph General Hospital staff.
Evidence of this lies in nearly every Monday Motivator interview. Over 200 Monday Motivator interviews have been conducted to date, the majority of them of Hospital staff. From hands on caregivers to those in supporting roles, more often than not, the value of teamwork surfaces.
Here is just a small sample of what some of our most recent Monday Motivators said about the role of teamwork at GGH:
Sue MacNeil, Director of Food & Environmental Services, expressed in her interview “…staff have incredibly busy days and we rely on a great team to get us through.”
Andrew Dickinson, one of our Emergency Department Security Guards, discussed the importance of inter-staff communication in allowing the Emergency Department to run smoothly.
Dawn Miller, our Health & Safety Officer, discussed how her role is a part of a much larger picture of many people and initiatives working together.
And as depicted in the image above, it is common for our Monday Motivators to acknowledge their team when asked to express how their role helps makes a difference in people’s lives.
We invite you to explore our past Monday Motivator articles where you can witness for yourself how important the value of teamwork is at GGH, and how it is realized throughout the Hospital, every day.
View the full Monday Motivator Album on our Facebook Page or see our most recent Monday Motivators on the Foundation website.
This week and every week after, keep up the great team work!