New microscope helps eye surgeons see more clearly at Guelph General Hospital
Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40 and are the principal cause of blindness in the world.
Locally, Guelph General Hospital performs over 1,600 cataract surgeries a year. With the addition of a new state-of-the-art microscope thanks to a donation from the Lions Club of Guelph, ophthalmologists now have the best possible clarity while they operate on a patient’s eyes.
It’s a big step forwards says Guelph ophthalmologist, Dr. Robert Johnson.
“This new microscope offers our ophthalmic surgeons the optimal visualization so they can operate with the highest precision during surgery,” he says. “It drastically improves our visual field, optics, and illumination providing outstanding image quality throughout each step of the procedure.”
The donation was a natural fit for the local Lions Club according to President Jim Sanders. This year, Lions throughout the world are celebrating 100 years of community service. “In 1925 Helen Keller challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind”. Since then, we have done just that,” he says. “The Lions Club of Guelph as its centenary project is proud to once again support the Guelph General Hospital’s ongoing provision of medical eye care to residents of Guelph and surrounding area.”
The new microscope is a great example of how community support can improve the high quality care the Hospital is able to provide explains Suzanne Bone, CEO of the Foundation of Guelph General Hospital. “The vision of thousands of local community members will benefit thanks to the vision of the Lions Club of Guelph. Their generousity is so very much appreciated.”