Terry Manning
Terry Manning: Planning for a Healthier Tomorrow
When he was 69, Foundation board member Terry Manning decided to do something a little different for someone entering into his seventh decade. He decided to hop on his bike and ride 6,000 kms across North America to raise money for Guelph General Hospital’s Emergency Department!
After a 50-day journey, Manning single handedly raised $33,000 dollars.
Why? Terry explains,
“If you were fortunate enough to never cross the mat at the front door of a hospital, it would be a surprise. We all think health care is free – but it’s not. Our tax dollars are contributing, but if we want good facilities that we can rely on, we don’t have a choice but to support our Hospital.”
That’s not the only way Terry has supported our Hospital. He volunteers his time as a board member, is an annual donor, and, ten years ago, Terry changed his will to include a bequest to GGH. Terry and his late wife Pricilla made the decision together, feeling it was important to give back for the care they had received over the years.
He explains that,
“Leaving something in my will to the Foundation is my way of thanking this community for providing such great health care to my family for so many years. In my mind, nothing is as important to this community as a well equipped hospital, absolutely nothing! To replace old equipment or get some of the great new innovations needed, the Hospital relies on our generosity. My legacy to this community will be a gift to The Foundation of Guelph General Hospital in my will.”
More and more people are recognizing the critical role that gifts through their will play in the long term success of charities such as Guelph General Hospital. An increasingly diverse group of individuals in our community are deciding now that they want to make a sustainable and significant impact on the health of our community for generations to come – even if the gift won’t be realized for many years.
“I encourage others to consider such a great way of leaving a legacy. The Hospital really does rely on the community,” explains Manning.