The support we receive from our community is essential to our Hospital’s ability to provide the safest and highest quality care to patients and their families.
In fact, every dollar we spend on patient care equipment comes from caring community donors like you.
From IV pumps and vital signs monitors, to surgical equipment and diagnostic imaging machines, and even things as essential as stretchers and beds, it’s all funded through community support.
Bob Berry
Mailing Address: 115 Delhi Street Guelph ON N1E 4J4 Canada
Physical Address: 125 Delhi Street Guelph ON N1E 4J5 Canada
519-837-6422 519-837-6770 [email protected]
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Patient care is better at Guelph General Hospital because of community support.
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Charitable Business Number: 84345 4190 RR0001
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