Hosting an Event
Have you ever thought of organizing an event to support your local Hospital?
A DIY event, so to speak? Your efforts will directly benefit the quality of care our patients receive by making sure our caregivers have the tools they need to provide care to our community.
What is a DIY event?
It’s any event – big or small – in support of the Hospital that is organized by someone outside the Hospital or the Hospital Foundation.
Who can hold a DIY event?
Anyone or any group – schools, clubs, service organizations, companies, individuals – to name a few.
What kinds of events work?
Just about anything works. Be creative. And have fun! Here are just a few ideas:
- Golf Tournaments
- Scavenger Hunts
- Fashion Shows
- Lemonade Stands
- Craft Shows or Art Shows
- Sporting Events
- Dress Down Days
- Races (bike, run, walk)
- Raffles
- Auctions (live & silent)
- Concerts
- A-Thons of any kind (walk, bike, swim, jump)
- Carnivals
- Dinner Parties
- Car Rallies
- Galas
- Dances
- Bake Sales
- Car Washes
- Book Sales
Once your DIY event is approved, we would be happy to provide you with the following tools:
- Meet with you to discuss your event and provide suggestions.
- Approve the use of our logo on your promotional materials.
- Provide a letter of support for your event to send to prospective sponsors.
- Arrange for a representative to speak at your event, if applicable.
- Promote the event within the Hospital, and in our newsletters, if timing is appropriate.
- Acknowledge your support in our newsletter.
- Write thank you letters.
- Issue charitable tax receipts, if applicable.