50/50 Lottery Winners
Congratulations to our September 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner!
On Friday, September 30th, we called our September 50/50 Hospital Lottery winner of $35,000, Joanne Lattone. Foundation staffer, Lauren Fargo was lucky enough to make this wonderful call. As soon as Lauren introduced herself over the phone, Joanne instantly replied, “Oh My God!” After meeting Joanne, we asked her if she knew why we were… Continue Reading Congratulations to our September 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner!
Congratulations to August’s 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner!
Like all teachers in the final week of summer, Morgan Bowmaster was preparing to teach her Life Skills class of grade two to eight students at Willow Road Public School. Her focus was shaken when she got a call from Lauren Fargo with The Foundation of Guelph General Hospital telling her she was the August… Continue Reading Congratulations to August’s 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner!
Congratulations to July’s 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner of $26,172!
Hi, my name is Helen Wilk and I won July’s 50/50 grand prize! It was getting pretty hot outside so I decided to leave my favourite hobby of gardening for the day and went inside. When I sat down to cool off in my kitchen, I checked my phone and saw The Foundation of Guelph… Continue Reading Congratulations to July’s 50/50 Hospital Lottery Winner of $26,172!
Congratulations to Tricia van Rhijn, April’s Grand Prize winner who won $44,725!
Imagine getting a phone call on a Friday afternoon informing you that you were $44,725 richer. This amazing moment happened for Tricia van Rhijn last week, on April 29th. Tricia had been dutifully toiling away in her home office at her job as an associate professor in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition… Continue Reading Congratulations to Tricia van Rhijn, April’s Grand Prize winner who won $44,725!
Congratulations to Ernest Shields, March’s Grand Prize winner who won $31,808!
The winning ticket number, U-1984928, was pulled at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 31st. One week ahead of the grand prize draw day Ernest Shields was chatting to a friend who was saying she hoped to win this month’s Hospital 50/50 lottery. Ernie replied straight away, “Oh no. I am going to win it this… Continue Reading Congratulations to Ernest Shields, March’s Grand Prize winner who won $31,808!
Congratulations to Carol and Bob Mulvey, February’s Grand Prize winners who won $34,298!
The winning ticket number, T-1504894, was pulled at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, February 28th. “What an amazing early 80th birthday gift this makes for my husband, Bob”, enthused Carol Mulvey after winning $34,298 in the 50/50 Hospital Lottery in support of Guelph General Hospital. Carol has played consistently from the very beginning of the 50/50… Continue Reading Congratulations to Carol and Bob Mulvey, February’s Grand Prize winners who won $34,298!
Congratulations to January’s Grand Prize winner, Diane Graham who won $44,455!
Third time’s the charm! This common expression certainly applies to this month’s winner, Diane Graham. She won $44,455 on only her third time playing the 50/50 Hospital Lottery for Guelph General Hospital. “I saw the ad on GuelphToday.com online and then read about several local people winning. I never thought it would be me. I’m a… Continue Reading Congratulations to January’s Grand Prize winner, Diane Graham who won $44,455!
Congratulations to December’s Grand Prize winner of $47,560, Jim Bailey!
“I had to pull the car over. I couldn’t focus on the road,” exclaimed Jim Bailey when asked to describe his reaction to learning he was the winner of $47,560 in the 50/50 Hospital Lottery for Guelph General Hospital. “My wife, Melinda, and my daughter, Carina, were just discussing that it was draw day ten… Continue Reading Congratulations to December’s Grand Prize winner of $47,560, Jim Bailey!
Congratulations to November’s grand prize winner of $54,845, Trevor Street!
The winning ticket number, Q-3096315, was pulled at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 30th. “The very first thing I did? Oh. I sat and stared at the blank wall for several minutes. Then I went and found my wife, who also went in to shock”, shared Trevor Street. “I am sure I didn’t sound very… Continue Reading Congratulations to November’s grand prize winner of $54,845, Trevor Street!
Congratulations to October’s jackpot winner of $41,672, Janette Castellan!
“Flabbergasted, I was simply flabbergasted”, exclaimed this month’s grand prize winner, Janette Castellan. “My biggest previous lottery win was a free ticket. I never win anything.” Well, Janette’s fortunes have turned around with a windfall of $41,672. A loyal player for the past eight months, she had been happy just knowing her money was helping… Continue Reading Congratulations to October’s jackpot winner of $41,672, Janette Castellan!